About Us
The Michigan IAAI is an international professional association of fire investigation professionals, united by a strong commitment to suppress the crime of arson through professional fire investigation.
Mission Statement
The IAAI shall continue to serve as the global resource for those working in and associated with the fire, arson, and explosion investigation profession with respect to fire safety and prevention; arson investigation, determination, and prosecution; and fire loss claims and litigation.
IAAI Training Scholarship
The Michigan Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) has adopted the following guidelines for a training scholarship grant program. The goal of the program is to provide financial support for chapter members who seek to expand knowledge and skills through education.
Scholarships are to assist members of the Michigan Chapter of IAAI who would otherwise be paying for an activity with their own monies. No reimbursements will be made to municipalities, fire departments, police departments, or other organizations, nor will reimbursements be paid to an individual who is seeking and/or receiving funding from another source.
Applicant must be a member in good standing of the Association for two or more consecutive years.
Training programs must be for advancement of knowledge in the areas of fire, arson, and explosion investigation.
Training scholarships will be given for up to one half of the allowable out-of- pocket expenses involved in the approved scholarship, with a maximum of $400 per year. Qualifying expenses include registration or tuition fees, transportation, and lodging.
Applicants must request a scholarship at least 45 days in advance of training.
Scholarships will be issued as a reimbursement. Proof of attendance and costs are required.
The request for reimbursement and presentation of receipts must be submitted within 30 days of program completion, or the grant is forfeited.
Requests for scholarships must be done electronically on our website and will need to include the following information:
Name, address, phone number and place of employment of member.
Sponsor, location, topic of training, and estimated expenses.
Statement of reason to attend program.
Explanation of benefit to the Association, the member and the member’s community.
Explain financial need.
Statement of any other funding available for the training.
Supporting information and receipts may be submitted within 30 days of completion and sent to:
P.O. Box 60
DeWitt, MI 48820
or emailed to: admin@michiganiaai.org